Spiderman Arachnophobia

Year Released: 1996

This is a small series of Spider-Man figures in that there were only three figures. All three figures are large versions of Spider-Man crossed with other characters. These versions of the character have never appeared in the comics. The figures are much larger than the tradional 5 inch Spider-Man figures out at around the same time though Man-Lizard and Vampider do not look too out of place. Spider-Goblin is the smaller figure but still fits better in the 6 inch scale of Spider Man Classics and Marvel Legends. The figures all featured some sort of wind up actions. The line is a lot like the Mutant Monsters line from the X-men series which was released around the same time.

(Credit Marveltoys.Net)

- Vampider
- Spider Goblin
- Man Lizard

Spiderman Arachnophobia Figures


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Spider Goblin

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Man Lizard

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